The Environmental and Educational Department (EEP) incorporates as many environmentally-friendly initiatives in the organisation of the 100 km Dodentocht as possible. The goal is to reduce the waste associated with a mass event like the 100 km Dodentocht and to process the remaining waste as efficiently as possible.
Within the sport of hiking, a green and quiet hiking environment is central. It therefore fits perfectly within the philosophy of the organization of 100Km Dodentocht to work towards a healthy and clean environment. We believe that a large organization such as 100Km Dodentocht should play a pioneering role in this area and should be an example for other events and organizations in the region.
It is important to reduce the mountain of waste as much as possible. The most striking initiative of the 100 km Dodentocht organisation in the fight against waste is the use of reusable cups in the central tent on the church square. This is a simple system and easily saves 60,000 disposable cups.
Waste collection and waste processing
We make every possible effort not to leave any waste, both along the route and during the festivities in the Bornem city centre. We divide the waste into various categories: tin, paper, and residual waste. Clear signs help supporters, as this requires the cooperation of all supporters and participants.
Additional garbage bags will be provided at the bottlenecks along the route. Waste can be disposed of approximately 1 kilometre after each checkpoint. We ask the hikers to place their waste in the designated bins or bags. Employees of the different checkpoints also help clean the route.
Environmental charter for the sponsor
This environmental charter is a voluntary commitment in which the signatory indicates to observe and actively promote a number of ideas, assignments, and guidelines.
This charter certainly does not intend to limit the promotional campaigns of the sponsor or to force the sponsor to incur greater expenses. The charter aims to consider any potential adverse consequences for the environment and the general public when planning a marketing campaign.
Hiking goes hand in hand with a beautiful natural context. The relationship with a thorough waste policy is obvious. We want to reduce the environmental burden on nearby residents as much as possible. We also believe that organisations cannot ignore environmental issues. This is why we, as the organisers of the 100 km Dodentocht, want to raise environmental awareness and serve as an example.
The joining sponsors declare to accept the following provisions and are willing to contribute to a 100 km Dodentocht with as little waste as possible.
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