News Press

8 August 2022

Limited luggage service at 100Km Death March during 53rd edition

100Km Dodentocht Kadee vzw will cancel the luggage service in the post half-way during the 53rd edition of 100Km Dodentocht. A shortage of volunteers makes it impossible for the organisation to offer this service to the participants. However, walkers can leave their luggage at the centre of Bornem.

During the 100Km Dodentocht you can normally drop off a backpack or sports bag in the centre of Bornem. The organisation will bring it to the post at 50 km so you can change your socks if necessary. Once at the finish you can pick up your luggage again in the centre of Bornem.
To make sure everything runs smoothly, the organisation needs about 45 volunteers. This number of volunteers was not found.
Because of this, the organisation decided not to move the luggage to Opwijk. The free service we want to offer there cannot be realised with the limited number of volunteers we have at the moment.

We would rather focus on what we can do. For example, walkers can still deposit their luggage and collect it after their participation. Handing in and picking up luggage will take place in the sports hall of O.L.V.P Bornem and not, as used to be, in the CC Ter Dilft.

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